Ramblings of the Ghost of Brendan Past

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
— Steve Jobs
Seizing opportunities is more of a process than a choice. The “dots” are the connections you make, the work experiences you have, the habits of your life that you do everyday. So without knowing where exactly I want to end up, I can still do things today that will increase my chances of spontaneous opportunities in the future.
If you do know where you want to end up (that THING you haven’t done before), you’re one step ahead of everyone else! And you have to find a path from here to there.
Why am I so motivated to improve? I think the cheesiest way to answer would be to say I’ve fallen in love with improving and learning. That’s what brings me joy. And — not just my improvement, but other people’s, too.
I think it’s magical to be able to do something you weren’t able to do in the past, so whether I bring about that experience with myself or I teach or help someone else, that’s what makes me happy.
When I was little my parents would always scold me for saying “everything has a lesson.” They scolded me, “not everything is about a lesson, not everything is about teaching someone a lesson.” To be fair, they probably said that in the context of me beating up my siblings (I’ve changed my ways, I’ve learned my lesson), but I never really broke from that idea of every life experience has the potential to teach something meaningful. It could have a different meaning for each individual who experiences it! But to simply ignore the potential to learn and to reflect from everyday experiences is outrageous to me, for as long as I can remember.
I don’t know where that idea came from or why I believe, but it’s central to how I live my life. To be fully conscious, aware, and reflecting constantly. So that I can learn from my experiences and empower myself and others to do things they weren’t capable of in the past.
I’m self motivated to improve because to do otherwise would disrespect the gift of life that I have the privilege of experiencing. Purpose is subjective and individual, but I’d venture to say some part of my purpose is to be the best human/friend/Brendan I can be.